by admin | May 18, 2016 | nutrition, weight
My gym is more crowded than ever as many work towards beach-ready bodies. While in the gym, I saw a poster which said, “You can’t out-exercise a bad diet.” This started me thinking of some concrete recommendations that I could share with you to assist in...
by admin | Apr 25, 2016 | detox, nutrition
If I were paid $100 every time someone asked me to place them on a detox, I would be a millionaire. It is as if “detoxing” has become the latest fad. But do we have an accurate understanding of what it means to “detox”? In fact yesterday, two...
by admin | Nov 10, 2015 | digestion, healthy habits, nutrition, proactive health
When a patient reports constipation, I immediately follow up with questions about their consumption of water and fiber. In my clinical experience, 90 percent of the constipation cases that I’ve encountered were due to nothing more than dehydration and the lack...
by admin | Oct 28, 2015 | healthy habits, motivation, nutrition, weight
You’ve been so determined to lose weight that you’ve decided to do the “responsible” thing: start counting calories. But after days, weeks or even months, you step on the scale expecting to see the magical number you’ve dreamt about. Instead, you find that the scale...
by admin | Oct 28, 2015 | healthy habits, heart disease, nutrition, proactive health
“Good” Cholesterol Cholesterol is a sterol, which is a type of fat or lipid that is found in the cells in vertebrate animals, but is not found in plant cells*. Cholesterol is a vital constituent of animal cell membranes, and it acts as a building block for the...